Maple Leaf Power has extensive experience in various distribution systems across Canada, specifically in overhead and underground primary and secondary construction. Having worked on complex and challenging distribution projects, from congested urban areas to remote rugged mountains, Maple Leaf Power crews are highly skilled and well equipped to safely execute all types of distribution projects and exceed customer expectations. For more information on how Maple Leaf Power can perform distribution work without power interruptions visit: Energized Services.
Conductor Stringing & Replacement
Installation, repair, and maintenance of OH and UG conductor. Tension stringing and restrictive copper conductor replacement.
Pole Installation & Replacement
Hauling, framing, and installation of single or three phase structures. Structure stubbing and pole removal. Anchor replacements.
Tx Install, Replacement, & Connection
Installation, replacement, and/or capacity increase of overhead and underground transformers. Service connects/disconnects.
System Rehabilitation & Maintenance
Insulators, crossarms, arrestors, cutouts, sleeves, switches, regulators & reclosers, and more. Load checks and phase balancing.
In addition to our field crews, the extended Maple Leaf Power support team is ready to assist in ensuring your next project is completed safely, efficiently, and on-budget.
Maple Leaf Power personnel can conduct assessments of distribution system assets for our customers, collecting information on the condition of these assets and integrating collected data into an Asset Management Plan.
A sound Asset Management Plan ensures that the life cycle of an asset is maximized, yet replaced prior to failure, resulting in no interruption to customer revenue flow.
Maple Leaf Power support personnel can analyze, structure, and cohesively present data collected by field employees, ensuring the customer recieves an audited, complete set of data requested and expediting collection procedures.
Maple Leaf Power considers all aspects of a job when scheduling and planning work. Support personnel work with field employees to develop cohesive project plans and strategies that can be effectively implemented in the field to get the job done as safely, and efficiently, as possible.
Maple Leaf Power field and support personnel have extensive experience with a variety of GIS software. Having internal technical support reduces GIS delays and increases project efficiency.