Maple Leaf Power Corporation is committed to being an industry leader in collaboration with Indigenous peoples and their communities to create and maintain long-term mutually beneficial relationships based on transparency, respect, and accountability. The intent of these collaborations is to develop strong partnerships that provide employment, economic prosperity, infrastructure upgrades, and social well-being all while maintaining an appreciation and respect for the cultures and values of our Indigenous partners and the land in which they live. Maple Leaf Power currently has Indigenous employees at high level positions and has conducted operations in 65+ Indigenous communities. View more on the Maple Leaf Power Indigenous Relations Policy below.
kalpilin people (Pender Harbour First Nation) Memorandum of Understanding
Maple Leaf Power has signed a memorandum of understating with Pender Harbour First Nation. Per the memorandum of understanding, Maple Leaf Power intends to employ the kalpilin people with entry level positions leading to apprenticeships, when applicable. Additional opportunities include brushing/logging work, water taxis, traffic control, as well as archaeological monitoring. When Maple Leaf Power is operating on kalpilin traditional lands, and during other projects whenever possible, Maple Leaf Power intends to utilize establishments owned and operated by the kalpilin people.
Maple Leaf Power Corporation implements cooperation and partnerships with Indigenous communities through engagement, employment, training, and procurement. We are committed to inclusive project partnership opportunities that focus on building and sustaining healthy communities through the electric power industry and accompanying positions.
Employment &
Maple Leaf Power Corporation adheres to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Human Rights Code of B.C., encouraging individuals of all backgrounds to apply. We ensure there are no barriers to hiring, retention, or promotion. All employees are treated fairly, diversity in the workplace and employee culture is embraced, and we acknowledge that the knowledge and experience of Indigenous people contribute greatly to our workforce.
We recognize that our projects may be located on the traditional territory of Indigenous communities and believe that a vital way to honor our commitment to responsible business activity is inclusion. Maple Leaf Power Corporation attempts to source locally based Indigenous goods and services as part of a commitment to the communities in which we work. Additionally, if two work proposals are scored the same on all applicable criteria outside of locality, the locally owned/operated Indigenous company will be selected.
Maple Leaf Power Corporation’s senior management will continue to ensure this policy is effectively implemented by conducting annual reviews and through analysis of past, current, and planned Indigenous engagement.